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Ang Ang
Followed by 18 people
Type Manga
Author Gwendolyn
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Ang Ang

Synopsis Ang Ang

Ang Ang Manga – “How about we start with being play partners?”Hwayoung, the third son of the Yoon Clan, a nationwide gang syndicate, is being stalked because of his looks.The Yoon Clan hires Gyuwon as a bodyguard for their beloved youngest.Seeing at a glance that Gyuwon was an SMer who leaned towards being a gay sub, Hwayoung suggested they become play partners…Gyuwon realized that the ideal type he’s been wanting for so long is right in front of him, and that he would obey Hwayoung unconditionally.Portuguese / Portugus:”Que tal comearmos sendo parceiros de jogo?”Hwayoung, o terceiro filho do cl Yoon, um sindicato de gangue nacional, est sendo perseguido por causa de sua aparncia. O Cl Yoon contrata Gyuwon como guarda-costas de seu amado caula.Vendo de relance que Gyuwon era um SMer que tendia a ser um sub gay, Hwayoung sugeriu que eles se tornassem parceiros de jogo…Gyuwon percebeu que o tipo ideal que ele queria h tanto tempo est bem na sua frente e que ele obedeceria Hwayoung incondicionalmente.

Chapter Ang Ang


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