Beethoven Reborn Manga – Only music sustained me from the maddening pain. If only I could hear my music with my own ears Even as my soul was falling apart, I prayed to G** and prayed again. Ludwig van Beethoven is considered the greatest composer in human history. I closed my eyes like that. And 180 years later in Seoul. The saint of music, known as an immortal genius, has been reborn. And then I began to hear the voice of an angel. “Dobin.. Dobin..” Only music sustained me from the maddening pain.Beethoven renace, Beethoven Born AgainBeethoven renat,Beethoven terlahir kembali,Beethoven yang terlahir kembali,Betkhoven vozrozhdayetsya,Behofen keid hm,Bithufin yulad min jadid,Bidufn chngshng,Dasi taeeonan Betoben,Tashi t’aenan Pet’oben,Umarekawatta Btvu~en, , ,,,,,

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