Moumoku no Koushaku Reijou ni Tensei Shimashita Manga – One day, a girl is reborn in a fantasy world as the blind daughter of a duke. In her previous life, she was sickly and spent all her time in the hospital, so she decides to enjoy her new life as she pleases, even though she is blind!She was enjoying her reincarnated life to the fullest, playing with Kyle, the fifth prince, whom she befriended by chance, and training in magic. However, as Alicia grows up, inexplicable events begin to occur. This world is apparently not just a fantasy world..?—I was born weak and passed away at the age of 18 due to illness. Before I died, I made a wish to be born again.It came true, but I was born blind. Little by little, I came to know the gaps between the previous world and present one thanks to my fianc. This is the story of the Duke’s only daughter.
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